Saturday, February 21, 2009

Working Girl

Yes...that's me...a working girl! Three weeks in and fairly happy with the new gig. There's a ton of catch-up and a slight learning curve for me..In my former career I was the lead singer and now I'm the bass player or maybe lead guitar? I would pass on the work I'm now doing to someone else so while I am familiar with it on a strong level, I'm now having to become verse in the actual nuts & bolts of it...But I'm liking it and the days go by really quickly and the people I'm meeting are great and it's a relief to have a steady paycheck and most importantly, Cole is handling the changes he's had to make with grace.

He's now at school five days a week from 8:30 to 5:30...a long day for any child...Our home routine has streamlined and he's doing so well with everything which just makes it that much easier for me to not become a guilt ridden mom!

He's the top!!!