Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I started a new job last week. The whole thing came up suddenly and then Friday night the offer came with a Monday start! Yikes...Of course, Dan left for two weeks in Berlin the same Monday...So, I accepted...figured out afterschool care for Cole and flew into crazy woman mode...I'm really good at that one! Naturally, Cole got sick midweek and I had to take a day off because I haven't figured out the sick day care plan...If Dan were home, he'd stay with him...The stress level rose and rose and then it all kind of evaporated...Everyone was understanding and Cole is getting better and he and I are on the road to developing a new evening routine...

The panic set in during the weekend before I started...I think that's how I operate...freak out over all of the what if's and then when the time comes for action, I'm actually pretty cool. Cole's defintely cool...He seems to effortlessly adapt to things once he's got a grasp of the who, what, where, when, why's...Oh, you're working ("want to see"...where I work...), and I get to stay at school late every day with my friends...(YAY!)...

The past ten days have flown by though...I haven't figured out how to juggle it all yet. I know it's possible because I have a great many friends who do it successfully and set a great example...I'm lucky too because I won't have juggle by myself...Dan'll be there catching things that fall and tossing them back up into the air...

The interesting thing I'm rediscovering is me...more to come on that one...