It's the new year. 2012! Naturally, the notion of exercising my practice of writing is on the list of not exactly resolutions. It's more on the list of things that keep me sane, along with eating better, cleaner food, moving my body (alot) more, and choosing to be happier. Somewhere in that list falls getting more sleep. In fact it's at the top of my list, but it's one thing I have no control over. The boy controls my sleep routine and whether I get enough of it. Given the past couple of months, he's decided that a sleepless, addled brain is best for me. I vehemently disagree. I'd kill for a full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Generously, my brother gave my mom and I each a night away in Santa Barbara, giving me a ray of hope of an wine and ambien charged full night's sleep looming in my no so distant future.
In the time that has passed since my last post about the surgery, the boy has recovered, and is presently devoting hours a week to physical therapy. He's stronger than ever, and his steps are purposeful, straighter, with greater endurance. In short, the surgery was successful and the bummer summer, as we came to call the two months following the surgery where the boy layed about on beds with full leg casts and a broom handle between his ankles, was worth it. 4th grade started and continues to be challenging, interesting, and terrific. They're studying explorers now, which makes me want to make every outing an excursion! The boy, not so enthusiastic about it! Hopefully he'll come around.
The new year makes everything seem fresh for the first month or so and optimism piques until the newness wears off. Perhaps the better goal for this year, is to approach each month as new and to continue the verve I feel in early January?