Maybe that's what I have...I've had no motivation to be at work this week...the entire week! I get there, do my thing, the whole while wishing I was elsewhere. I generally really like being at work and I enjoy my days there. But this week? No! Finally Friday is here and I couldn't be more pleased.
The weekend promises to be jam packed with fun. Tomorrow Cole is going to fly again. He's a particpant in Challenge Air, a non-profit that takes kids with needs flying in little four seater cesnas all over LA. He'll get to steer and fly the plane himself for part of the time. Then we rush to Malibu where he'll spend the afternoon surfing...TheraSurf is going to do a little exposition during a grommit surf competion at Surf Rider Beach...He's beyond excited about the day. And who can blame him!
Dan leaves Sunday before day break...Flying to Cannes for just a week this year. Always on Mother's Day. I get to spend the day with my boy, and my mom...A nice treat...
Nothing more interesting to say right now...I think the only reason I decided to write is because I'm delaying my departure to work...and I should go, right????