I've always liked boys who surf...I've always wanted to learn to surf...I don't know why I never have. I spent years hanging out with people who could have, would happily, taught me...I think when I was younger and more insecure, I was afraid to ask, afraid to not be good at it, afraid to look foolish? I don't know...But by and large, I've always found that boys who surf are generally pretty cool guys...
And this past Saturday, it was never more evident...A mom at our school who I met this summer generously included Cole in an event that was part of the Malibu Invitational surf competition. Thera-Surf is a program where physical therapy is combined with surfing. The surfing component comes from Kim and her boyfriend, a known surfer, Jimmy Gamboa. He got several other pro or really terrific surfers to volunteer their time and expertise to take out eight children with varied needs. Cole was the only first timer...He has wanted to go surfing for about five years. We've dreamed of this kind of program and fantasized about trying to create one for years...Kim, Jimmy and a PT professor at CSUN actually did it! And they're amazing.
Cole was a little nervous - perhaps nerves and over excitement...When we first arrived at the beach he just sat and sort of checked out everything. The competition was going on and the announcers were chatting and a lot of activity going on around the beach with the different sponsors and vendors and teams...We met some of the guys who would be taking the kids surfing and Cole seemed to relax...Then he got into his wetsuit and was off...
He surfed with Ryan Conder who also surfs with Surfer's Healing so he's had lots of experience with kids...He paddled out with Cole on the front of his long yellow board until they were but a speck in the sea...They waited their turn and for a good wave and were off...Ryan stood up first, then pulled Cole to his feet and they rode the waves...Cole's little feet danced on the board and I can only imagine the size of his smile! They had three great rides...and Cole's ready for the next time...
Standing on the shore with all of the other parents, spectators and surfers cheering for our children was joyous. The guys who gave their time to do this have no idea how much they are appreciated and now a part of the weave of our lives. One of Cole's dreams came true yesterday...It became a reality...and something he'll be able to do again and again. He's joined the ranks of the cool surfers...