I've moved my blog...Today is the first day of the new one. As a means of (re)introduction, I am a mom, first and foremost. I have an almost seven year old boy, Cole, who is the inspiration of my every move. He was born with cerebral palsy. His disabilities are largely physical. Cognatively, he is bright. He has a well developed sense of humor and an incredible determination. Every movement requires effort on his part and he handles this lot with a grace beyond his years. He is in the first grade at a school where he is fully included. He's never been anything but included. We have done our best to allow him to lead a life not unlike his peers. He is the beat of my heart.
Besides being Cole's mom, I am an ever evolving woman...Typically, much to the chargrin of my husband, I refer to myself as a girl...I'm not sure why that is? A mad desire to recapture my youth? No! Not that my youth was all that terrible. The formative, most impressionable years were spent in the 70's...I was fortunate to grow up during the most active, interesting, provocative years of punk rock. I'm told that the music of your youth is the music you continue to love throughout the years. True! On those rare occasions I find myself alone in the car, the old punk rock blasts and I do my best impersonations of Poly Styrene, Johnny Lydon, and the like. Yes, I am the weird mom in the minivan singing and bouncing about...
My old blog was largely posts about what runs though my head and updates on what Cole is up to. I initially started it as a means of keeping in touch with out of town friends and family when Cole was having a surgery a couple of years ago...Of course, I got hooked on writing and emptying my head of all of the gunk so after a couple of months without much output...I'm back.